Tasmanian Suppliers of Dicksonia Antarctica Treeferns

Fernmania's Tree Fern Mulch

Mulch is made from tree ferns that are unsuitable for relocation and re-establishment. Gardeners and landscapers prefer tree fern mulch for the following reasons.

Mulch photo
Tree Fern Mulch
  • Effective soil moisture retention and soil conditioning
  • Suppresses weed growth
  • Promotes root growth
  • Insects don't like living in it, so birds don't scatter it
  • Soft lush appearance

As a 50% component of potting mix tree fern mulch provides an excellent plant propagation medium. Helps establish orchids, elk and stags.

Tree Fern Landscaping Logs

Fernmania also produce landscaping logs and shapes from tree fern logs to be used for creative landscaping. A band saw has been installed for efficient shaping. Tree fern logs create a more natural looking atmosphere for edging and retaining banks, steps etc.

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Website by Jeff van den Bosch